
Let me list a few small life events that occurred since the last time I blogged.

1. I got engaged! Yay!

2. I graduated college (the next weekend)!

3. I got an *adult* job! No pictures for this one…unless you’re interested in seeing my LinkedIn profile photo.

All of this to say, there have been a lot of changes in my life recently. Change can certainly as overwhelming and scary as it is exciting. But I am so so glad that no matter how my life changes, my identity doesn’t, and the promises I have been made don’t change either.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8

Jesus. There is so much security to be found in Him. So much un-changing-ness. There is no thing – no one – more dependable and trustworthy. Man, do I need that.

So yes, there are a lot of moving parts right now (if you have any idea about how to plan a wedding, please let me know). But in the midst of it, I am going to rest in the steadfastness of the Lord.

[And I’m going to blog more. And I’m going to share more truths instead of just Taco Bell reviews and clothes I like. Eh, who am I kidding…there might still be some Taco Bell reviews. We’ll see.]


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